We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be available on 11/03/16 and we ask that all of you have a look on it.
We have received feedback from our ninjas and we decided to use it to create a better gaming experience for all of you, this way, from today onwards, there will be events with more attractive prizes and collectibles! Your opinions are what give us strength to improve. We are working hard to bring you all a Naruto Online you desire and enjoy playing!
1. A new chapter was added together with more Main Plot instances, the limit of level 80 is now extended to level 85. You can now continue leveling up and completing more Instances, Elite Instances and the next part of Naruto's story!
2. "Ninja Test" is now available! Pass the examination by testing your knowledge on Naruto. Try to get as more correct answers as possible, don't get lost on the road of life!
Event Period: Permanent after Nov 3rd’s maintenance
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 35 in order to participate.
a) Find Examiner Anko in South Konoha, click “Start test” to begin the examination. Each players can only complete the Ninja Test once every day.
b) The test consists of 10 questions. Players have 30 seconds to answer each question. You will receive generous EXP and Coins for every correct answer and you will receive a minimum set of EXP and Coins for every incorrect answer.
c) After answering all 10 questions, you will receive additional rewards based on the number of correct answers given. Try hard to get the Perfect Answer Reward!
Event Period: Nov 3rd – Nov 9th
How to:
a) Roll the die to move on the lucky board according to the points you obtained in the die. Players can get the corresponding rewards marked on the grids.
b) Complete Plot/Elite instances or complete the daily mission to get free dice. You can get a maximum of 2 free dice per day. The dice could also be bought directly in the shop.
c) Get 5 points every time you move into a Prop Grid and 10 points when you move into a Function Grid. After you have left the Start Grid for the first time, each time you pass the Start Grid you will get a Lucky Ninja Gift Pack.
4. "Mystery Fruits" event added. Plant fruits during the event and get valuable rewards when they get ripe! Patience is the best fertilizer!
Event Period: Nov 3rd – Nov 9th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 11 in order to participate.
How to:
a) Players can buy 3 kinds of fruits from 11/03 to 11/06. After buying the fruits successfully, the fruits will appear in the trees, need 3 days to mature.
b) Players can only buy each fruit once before 23:59:59 11/06, which will not be able to be bought after that. The fruits will ripe from 11/06 to 11/09. Remember to cultivate them before the deadline of the event
c)Valuable Ninja tools:
5. "Limited Refinement" event added. Get extra wish points and improve your power by upgrading your refinement level!
Event Period: Nov 3rd – Nov 9th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 40 in order to participate.
How to:
a) Players can use Refine Runes to upgrade their equipment via refinement. Every time you level up your equipment you’ll receive free time-limited Wish Credits.
b) The free time-limited Wish Credits will expire when the event ends.
6. "Colorful Balloons" event added. The skill of using Shuriken is one the basic skills of ninjas. Use your Shuriken to pop up balloons and get points! Rewards await you!
Event Period: Nov 3rd – Nov 9th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 30 in order to participate.
a) During the event, Players can get points by popping up the balloons with Shuriken. Complete Daily Missions to have a chance to obtain 1 to 3 Shuriken. You can obtain a maximum of 11 free Shuriken daily. Each time you spend 10 Ingots in the game, you will also get 1 Shuriken.
b) You can get 4 to 10 points randomly by popping the balloons with your Shuriken. Some balloons are hiding fireworks inside them, pop a balloon which has fireworks inside to obtain even more points.
c) There will be a maximum of 10 balloons displayed to be popped up. After popping up every balloon available, new balloons will appear. Consume Shuriken*10 to use "Boundless Shuriken" skill, it will pop up all the balloons available.
7. "Time-Limited Packs" event added. You can now access the "Time-Limited Shop”to get some great-valued packs, go and see for yourselves whether they are worth it!
Event Period: Nov 6th – Nov 9th
a) Mood Scroll Pack
Players must have reached Level 32 in order to participate.
Daily Purchase Limit: 10 Times
b) Copper Experience Pig
Players must have reached Level 30 in order to participate.
Daily Purchase Limit:1 Time
c) Super-kages scroll
Players must have reached Level 70 in order to participate.
Daily Purchase Limit: 1 Time
8. The following are the bugs which were fixed this week.
a) Firstly, concerning the ninjas capable of using visual jutsus, we used to call this attribute "Tojutsu". Thankfully, we received feedback in our forums concerning it and have now corrected it to "Dojutsu", which is now the name in use for ninjas capable of using visual jutsus.
b) At the same time, three ninjas - Kurenai, Tayuya and Karin - had "Tojutsu" attributes, this is incorrect. This information was also pointed out by our players in the Naruto Online Forum. Kurenai, Tayuya and Karin do not have Dojutsu attribute anymore.
c) Some of the requirements for missions given in the Arena had bugs or written mistakes, they have now all been corrected.
d) The bug concerning a certain "St." being displayed after the player's name, when chatting in private with another player, has now been fixed.
We appreciate all your reports and help, every time you find one, be sure to contact us!
Naruto Online Operation Team
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